The First Ever Backcountry Portable Console LAN Party
Hosted by Bitterroot Backpacking
August 4th - 6th, 2025
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Montana
Trip Overview
- Backpack with your portable console of choice and game in peace in the wilderness!
- Hike to and camp for two nights next to a pristine alpine lake.
- All portable consoles welcome! Bring your Switch, 3DS, PSP, Vita, Steam Deck, or anything else! - Nightly group gaming to be arranged through questionnaire while booking this trip!
- Relaxation-focused backpacking trip. Optional hike or game in camp on Day 2.
- Float on an Alpine Lake in an inflatable packraft.
- Ultralight Backpacking Gear Rentals included.
- High-end backpacking meals included.
- Led by Luke Hayduk, Founder of Bitterroot Backpacking. Favorite games: BOTW, Mario Kart, Overcooked, Stardew Valley, Hades
- Leave No Trace! We are conservation-minded. Trip participants all agree to recreate responsibly.
Activity Level:
Day 1 and 3 - Moderate/Challenging
Day 2 - Day of Relaxation with optional hike
- Guiding services
- Three backpacking meals from high-end brands each day
- Ultralight backpacking gear rentals
- Professional photography
- 1 hr virtual pre-trip planning meeting
- Digital topographical maps
We can help you plan:
- Snack food planning
- What to bring
- Clothing recommendations (see gear list)
- How to prepare and plan ahead
- Transportation to and from the trailhead
- How to safely transport your console
How to Book:
Book using this link or the one below the itinerary.
Group Size:
10 maximum
- Compare to 2 nights in unique accommodations ($400) , 9 meals ($150), activities ($250) at $800 total.
- Supporting a small business that supports environmental conservation and trail maintenance efforts across the US.
Day 1 - August 4th
Arrive at Trailhead, Hike to Camp, Setup Camp, Relax
Hike 4.5 mi and up 2500 ft of elevation gain to Canyon Lake.
Meet at the trailhead at 10 am and start hiking! Arrive at camp by 3 pm.
Setup camp. Swim or float in the lake, before sunset. Gather round a campfire, have dinner, and play some games!
Day 2 - August 5th
Day of Relaxation: Floating, Gaming, and Optional Hiking
Optional Hike 1 - 4 mi with 500-1000 ft of elevation gain or relax in camp.
Prepare yourself for the most relaxing day of gaming you've ever had!
Game in peace all day long, or go for a day hike to a higher backcountry lake or up along the rocky slope sides for a better view of the mountains!
Enjoy a large dinner at camp! Float or swim on the lake at sunset.
Game the night away by the campfire! S'mores to be had! Stay up late to see the Milky Way under some of the darkest skies in the US!
Day 3 - August 6th
Morning of Meditation, Pack up camp, Return to trailhead
4.5 mi w 200 ft of elevation gain and 2500 ft of loss.
Spend a mindful morning meditating by the lakeside as you take in your final minutes in the mountains. The hike back down is mostly downhill, but will be tiring on the legs and back! We'll take our time before saying farewell at the trailhead!
After that:
Let us know if you want recommendations on what do do or see before and after your trip! Glacier National Park is another must-see destination nearby!
Check us out on Trip Advisor!
Photos From Past Trips
Packrafting on a quiet and still mountain lake at dawn is one of the most beautiful things you will ever experience.
Campfires by the lake are sublime! The lake becomes mirror-like in the early mornings.
The weather is not always perfect due to the unpredictable nature of weather in the mountains. Always bring a raincoat!
Our cozy campsites will sometimes have pre-built structures, but we will not build new ones.
Fueling up for water along Canyon Creek which exits from the lake more than 2000 ft above.
Alpacka Rafts built the very first modern packrafts in the early 2000s. We carry the Alpacka Scout, a 3.5 lb raft with e designed purpose of floating on alpine lakes.
Take in the full range of colorful alpine flowers! Scarlet (Indian) Paintbrush, Silver Lupine, Arnica, Penstemon (pictured) to be seen.
Rain or shine, it's always big smiles all around!
Your guide, Luke, (on the right) with a hiker from the Netherlands!
A photo of Canyon Lake at the end of September. In August, the lake will have more water!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this trip too difficult for me?
We recommend this trip for people in decent physical condition and capable of carrying a 25 lb backpack over a 6 mi flat distance. You don't have to be fit, but the trip will be more enjoyable if you are!
What happens if it rains?
We give everyone their own dry bag to use with their switch to prevent moisture damage. We will also bring backup tarp shelters for further protection if needed.
Trips may be cancelled for a full refund if the weather forecast is for hazardous thunderstorms for more than 1/2 of the duration of the trip.
What happens in case of emergency?
Your guide is Wilderness First Responder and CPR certified. They will carry a Garmin gps satellite communicator and first aid kit for the group. They are also trained to act appropriately in different emergency situations.
What should I pack?
Do you provide food or water?
Snacks and Backpacking meals are provided on this trip. Scroll down for more info about meals and snacks.
We also carry Sawyer water filters on every trip. Freshly filtered snow-melt will be the freshest, coldest water you've ever had!
Will we see wildlife?
We may see some wildlife, but encounters are not common. The Bitterroot is home to black and grizzly bears, (griz are very rare!) elk, moose, wolves, mountain lions and pika as well as a plethora of other animals.
We will carry bear spray to protect ourselves!
Can I bring my dog?
Yes, all well-behaved dogs are welcome! You must also bring a leash, but is not necessary in the designated wilderness area. Please prepare to carry out or bury your dog's poop!
What is your refund policy?
Refundable until 6 weeks prior to the trip, which becomes non-refundable.
Is transportation included?
Transportation in a trail-modified 4Runner is available as an add-on during the booking process! We can also help you get a rental car!
Is there a bathroom?
No bathrooms out there unfortunately. You will be required to dig a 6-inch deep cathole if you need to go #2. If you find a nice view, its a freeing experience.
Will we clean up after ourselves?
OF COURSE! We will not leave any trash, nor do anything to harm the landscape while we're out there. It is our highest priority to Leave No Trace! Please visit for more info!
How do I protect my console during the hike?
You should buy a hard-sided Switch carry/travel case. Soft-sided versions leave the console and joycons susceptible to being smushed in the backpack. At the trailhead, we'll pack our bags together to ensure everything is packed correctly.
Other Questions? Contact us!
Check out our Ultralight Gear.
Some companies don't provide rental gear in trip pricing, but we do!
Our gear is ULTRALIGHT! Your full pack weight will be under 30 lbs!
We carry
the best backpacking meals.
Plan out and the gobble down meals by brands like Gastrognomeals and Wild Zora.
Digital Topo Maps and Virtual Trip Planning
Included with this trip:
- Access to digital topographical trail map on
- Virtual trip planning meeting one month prior to trip on Google Meet.
*Special 1st Ever LAN Party Pricing*
Payment in full. Refundable until 6 weeks prior to the trip, which becomes non-refundable.
[email protected]
"Luke was very personable & knowledgeable. He provided thoughtful snacks & a yummy meals. He would give scientific names to the landscapes/ mountains, show the markings on the mountains from glaciers. The FLOATING was amazing, being on a beautiful body of water & surrounded by extreme beauty was amazing. I will definitely hike with Luke again!"
Additional Info
Cancellation Policy
Payment in full. Refundable until 6 weeks prior to the trip, which becomes non-refundable.
The weather can be incredibly difficult to predict for a mountainous environment like the one we’ll be visiting on this trip. We’ll plan for temperatures in the 50s - 70s during the day and 30s - 40s at night. This hike will be hosted rain or shine, but in the event of a thunderstorm, we will take shelter using the precautions outlined by Wilderness First Responder training the guide has received. In the very rare case of dangerous thunderstorms for multiple days, trips can be rebooked or a partial refund of up to 50% can be given.
Condition Restraints
This tour is, in part, in remote areas. This adds to the adventure and opportunity to enjoy a true nature experience. However, due to the nature of the terrain, weather, road conditions, and other elements beyond our control, some elements of tours may have to be altered. Times of some activities may need to be changed or even cancelled due to the conditions. If an activity is cancelled it will be replaced with an alternative activity that is more appropriate for the conditions. Advance notice will be given for any changes where possible, although at times changes may be made whilst the tour is in progress.
Wildlife Encounters
On every trip, we love to see wildlife, but it is impossible to guarantee an encounter or sighting. With that said, wildlife is common in the Bitterroot National Forest and it is likely we will see or encounter something. A note on Grizzlies: Grizzly bears are very uncommon in the Bitterroot. The Bitterroot was once their habitat, but settlers and homesteaders drove them out of this area.
Terms and Conditions
Acceptance of Risk and Responsibility
Nature and adventure travel is by character, an activity that requires traveling in areas that are often remote and the terrain difficult. Whilst every precaution is taken to ensure the comfort and safety of guests, these trips inherently have have elements of risk. By taking part in this tour you acknowledge that there are inherent risks and that you are fully aware of the conditions of travel, accommodation and activities offered. You accept that Bitterroot Backpacking, its staff and sub-contractors cannot be held liable for any accident, illness or similar occurrence. You hereby accept all such risk and release the company from all claims and causes of action arising from any injuries or damages resulting from these inherent risks.
Authority on Trail
At all times, Bitterroot Backpacking's guide or its representative will be final authority on all matters likely to endanger the safety, well-being and enjoyment of the tour. Clients must at all times strictly comply with the laws, customs, foreign exchange and drug regulations of all countries visited. Should the client fail to comply with the above or commit any illegal act when on tour or, if in the company’s opinion, the client's behavior causes or is likely to cause danger, distress or annoyance to others we may terminate that client’s tour without any liability on the company’s part.